We are a small group of volunteers who want to change the world, one kind act at a time.350,00 cards have appeared around the globe since 2003, bringing smiles to people of all colors, ages, and backgrounds.
Thank you for joining the Smile revolution.
Wanna do more? Log onto our website to read heart-warming stories of what people have done with the Smile cards. Sign-up for a weekly newsletter. Join the growing number of Smile Groups, people who are committed to doing an act of kindness every single week.
Thank you for joining the Smile revolution.
Wanna do more? Log onto our website to read heart-warming stories of what people have done with the Smile cards. Sign-up for a weekly newsletter. Join the growing number of Smile Groups, people who are committed to doing an act of kindness every single week.
wooohoooo... I've got my smile cards.:) I've been writing stories of kindness and commenting on other volunteers' heartwarming stories during the summer. And I was soooo happy when I earned enough karma bucks to order my very first smile cards.
Spending the whole morning with Pito, I was surprised he actually agreed to come play with me. He's been here all summer and has been clinging to Tita all the time ever since. He cries nonstop whenever Tita's out of sight so I had to bribe him into coming with me while Tita's taking a shower. All it took was a cola flavored ice candy.
Spending the whole morning with Pito, I was surprised he actually agreed to come play with me. He's been here all summer and has been clinging to Tita all the time ever since. He cries nonstop whenever Tita's out of sight so I had to bribe him into coming with me while Tita's taking a shower. All it took was a cola flavored ice candy.
No, I won't share.
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