The day before I come back to class (the last day I could sleep in), Pito woke me up at six thirty in the morning by putting his little finger into my nose. The cute little guy has a knack for being annoying sometimes. My hope of going back to sleep vanished into thin air when he yelled 'aaattteeee' (the evolution of his previous 'achiii') and tried all his might to crawl up my bed. By doing that, he meant business. That means I have to play with him whether I like it or not and the motto is, 'Sure my little sweetness, you're the boss!'. There goes the first kind of morning torture.
Don't get me wrong, I love playing with the little guy. But not at six thirty in the morning! I heard his new nanny will arrive this week so he will probably go home this Sunday. Now he's taking a nap and I'm stuck here fuming about how I do not want this day to end and how each minute that passed brought me closer to tons of lab reports, long kaantok class hours and thesis making! At least they were easing us back to school by starting on a Wednesday, just three days till the weekend. Thank God.
I would probably feel better if I stop blabbing about how much I dislike going back to school. So I'll just tell you about a strange thing that happened to me Sunday morning.
I woke up at about 10 past 9 in the morning thinking only of one thing. 'What time ba is Jollitown?' Funny. Jollibee must have visited me in my dreams and offered me lots of fries and ice cream and jolly hotdogs. Being the glutton (I am exaggerating) that I am, that must have made me extremely happy and all I thought about upon waking up is to watch his show.

Later that afternoon, I was with Tita Ana and Tita Marie. We were driving around town in search of the perfect place for their planned grocery business. All of a sudden it was like, Jollibee strikes again! We saw this and we were on the verge of being amazed. We are probably among the last people to know about Jollibee on Wheels but it did not stop us from walking closer to take a good look at it.
I thought there will be a STRIKE THREE for Jollibee, but there wasn't. Or at least not within that day.
I also busied myself designing class schedules for me and ate during the weekend. The first one's my schedule. Minus the red marks, of course. Uggghh. I still can't get over the fact that my class starts at 7am! Bummer.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing with the little guy. But not at six thirty in the morning! I heard his new nanny will arrive this week so he will probably go home this Sunday. Now he's taking a nap and I'm stuck here fuming about how I do not want this day to end and how each minute that passed brought me closer to tons of lab reports, long kaantok class hours and thesis making! At least they were easing us back to school by starting on a Wednesday, just three days till the weekend. Thank God.
I would probably feel better if I stop blabbing about how much I dislike going back to school. So I'll just tell you about a strange thing that happened to me Sunday morning.
I woke up at about 10 past 9 in the morning thinking only of one thing. 'What time ba is Jollitown?' Funny. Jollibee must have visited me in my dreams and offered me lots of fries and ice cream and jolly hotdogs. Being the glutton (I am exaggerating) that I am, that must have made me extremely happy and all I thought about upon waking up is to watch his show.

Later that afternoon, I was with Tita Ana and Tita Marie. We were driving around town in search of the perfect place for their planned grocery business. All of a sudden it was like, Jollibee strikes again! We saw this and we were on the verge of being amazed. We are probably among the last people to know about Jollibee on Wheels but it did not stop us from walking closer to take a good look at it.
I thought there will be a STRIKE THREE for Jollibee, but there wasn't. Or at least not within that day.
I also busied myself designing class schedules for me and ate during the weekend. The first one's my schedule. Minus the red marks, of course. Uggghh. I still can't get over the fact that my class starts at 7am! Bummer.

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