To all the victims of tropical depression Ondoy and super thypoon Pepeng:
May God give you.. for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and n answer for each prayer.
Ria, Don and Ann slept over my place the previous night. We all had everything planned. The original cast consists of Ria, Ihsun, Don, Ann, Tine, Dionie, Rjohn and I. Unfortunately, Tine, Dionie and Rjohn did not make it. It was a visit to Pink Sisters Convent in Tagaytay City, we were then to spend the afternoon in Picnic Grove to relax and unwind. It was what we thought we needed before we welcome the month of October, merely four weeks before the board examination. We all slept soundly the night before, all very excited for Saturday's Tagaytay trip. But rain was already pouring when we woke up on Saturday. We kissed the picnic part goodbye but decided to push through with the Pink Sisters visit. It turned out that it was more of a challenge rather than just a simple visit. Rain started to pour real hard so I wasn't allowed to drive. The moment we stepped out of the house, we were all drenched and cold. It also took us ages to finally catch a ride to our destination.
With only a few meters away from Pink Sisters, along came the ultimate test:
The water was knee- deep! Don and Ihsun piggybacked Ann, Ria and I just to get there.
It was a simple visit turned AMAZING RACE, but our spirit was high. We all took it as a test of faith. After all, it was a trip planned weeks ahead. Despite the cold and rain, our hearts were set to be there, to kneel down and pray.
Ann and Don
I've been worried sick after I received a horrible news from Ann the night before. It turned out that most of Cainta Area, particularly where John and Don live was in a terrible condition. Swollen creeks forced many residents on to the roof of their homes. It turned out that 100% of Cainta was flooded, with neck-deep floods in some areas. Since John's phone has been constantly unreachable, I tried calling some of my friends who live in the nearby area. After much difficulty, I've managed to speak to Roy ad Allen who both lives in Rizal. I was relieved to find out that they are alright, and so are their families. It turned out that the villages where Don and John live took the toughest blow when tropical depression Ondoy hit Cainta area.
Classes on all levels, including review classes were all suspended so I spent the whole day in my room, watching the news while my anxiety grew each minute. I waited for updates on Ondoy especially updates on the situation in Cainta. It was a relief to finally talk to Don in the afteroon and learn from him that his family was safe. Their home was a total mess but everyone from his family was alright. It was what mattered most. I thanked God and prayed. All that is missing during that time was news from Rjohn. However, hours passed but not a single call or text message came.
I tried calling him every hour to check on him but to no avail. Waiting was the hardest part. But I know it was nothing compared to what John and his family were going through, or what most Filipino victims were going through. It was as if the anxiety I was feeling was not enough, the news report I was watching showed a video footage of Vista Verde- the same village where John lives. I almost went white with dread.
Then finally, a text message from Allen soothed my anxiety. He forwarded a text message from Rjohn, saying that they were fine. It was all I needed to get me through the day. Hours later John sent another message. It was addressed to me this time. They were fine but everything they own were washed out. He said that they were deeply in need of prayers. He also thanked us for our concern. That text from him worked for me like a sedative. I prayed and thanked God that he and his family were safe.
At around nine o'clock in the morning, I was already on my way back to Manila. The rain has stopped pouring and my face was finally hit by the sun's warmth. But it was still as if my whole being was clouded with anxiety. I knew I had to do something to help so I was more than glad when Ann told me that she and Don were planning to visit the latter's family in Cainta. It turned out that some areas in Cainta were already passable. Flood in some areas has subsided already but there is no water, no electricity and no phone lines. Although Don's purpose of visit was only to bring charged mobile phones to his family, Ria, Ann and I agreed to put on our work clothes to go on a house cleaning mission. First on Don's house, then on Rjohn's. :]]
With only less than three hours of sleep, I was surprised that I was the first one to wake up at five thirty in the morning. The girls and I still have classes to attend to in the afternoon hence the early wake up call. We all agreed to go to Don's place first before John's.
Cainta was as bad as expected. Trash, water, and mud woes afflicted almost the whole town. Both homes that we visited were washed out with flood and trash and even their cars had their own share of mud after joining water world. To sum it all up, to say that there is a lot of cleaning to be done is an understatement. But at the end of the day, the mud, dirt, and the tiring workload were nothing compared to the relief that washed over me after seeing for myself that Don's family was okay. They were nothing compared to the gladness I felt to finally see John after the tragedy and to see for myself that although they were still struggling, he and his family were alright. Lastly, they were nothing compared to the sense of fulfillment we all felt, knowing that no storm is strong enough to keep us from helping those in need. :]]
photos from our house cleaning mission:

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