There's a place called Wonderland.

Because a star shines brightest during the darkest of nights. Because everything can fall into place with just one warm embrace. Because a pot of gold awaits at the end of the rainbow. And because I know dreams do come true.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life goes on.


It's our second anniversary! Archie and I spent the day in Science Discovery. Luckily, there were only 2 customers when we arrived so we found an excuse to act like 5th graders enjoying their educational field trip.

We played this game about some gross stuff in the human body. I think I got 7 out of 10 questions right. That wasn't so bad, especially if you're going up against Archie whom I now call the 'Grossness Expert'.

The Sniff Sniff (Pee yuuu! People Stink.) section was also a lot of fun. I had to force Archie to try all four stations just so we could find out which stinks the most. (evil grin) Funny, he didn't even tried to say 'You've got to be kidding me!'

Imagine smelling all these:

I should have taken a picture of him after each sniff. :D

Fortunately, Archie has survived, saying that the Foot was a total nightmare. But an hour and a half later he was still complaining about the smell which unfortunately chose to linger on his nose a bit longer. Poor Archie!
We also helped this poor man get his organs 'right'. By that I mean placing his organs on the right places. Now, would you want your kidney placed on your left thigh? I don't think so.

We also tried the Flight Simulator, visited the Virtual reef where had an encounter with Mr. T the talking fish, then we went to Robot Inc. and had pictures taken with some cool robots. Then finally, at 2pm we were off to the Planetarium to watch the show. I really had a blast. :) It's fun to act like kids every once in awhile. I mean, being in a serious relationship does not always mean that you both have to be serious all the time.


.. was the moment of truth. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to fix my schedule for next sem. It's good that things are starting to fall back into place. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. I guess the only time I'll stop getting all fidgety is when I'm finally sitting in class and there's no conflict whatsoever in my schedule.


I spent the entire day with Pito. Since Louise and Renz are in school, I'm all Pito have left as his playmate. It's really funny hanging out with him. He's only turning two but he speaks almost just like Bea who's six years old. I just have to be careful about what comes out my mouth when I'm with him. He has this tendency to be a human tape recorder who repeats whatever it is that he heard you say in an instant.

Pito: Bye Ate Arnee!
Arnee: Bye Pito!
Pito: Bye Pito!

Yep. Just like that. :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rock bottom.

'Failure is the best starting point.'
I'm about to prove this- right when I'm over this feeling which 110% SUCKS.

The fact that I can hardly open my eyes from so much crying last night does not stop me from dragging myself out of bed to write this post. I have too much on my mind right now and I just wish I could just flush them all down the drain. This would probably help. How I wish.
I used to be this college student who has set a certain rule upon herself and her college life. I can get good grades if I want to, I can settle for low grades if that's what I deserve but never in my entire history of college will I get a failed mark and have to retake the subject again. That would be unacceptable. Or so I thought.
I've held on for that thought for almost 5 years. It was something I believed will keep me different from most people who's taken the same subject twice or thrice. I've once written a letter of complaint about this professor and got away with it, while everybody who has signed the letter I've written apparently did not and still had to retake that subject over the summer. That was a close call. But I got away with it.
Few years back, we all had to scramble just to get our grades up on DC/AC circuits. We had a hard time putting up with a professor who is so brainy we couldn't even get his exams right. I thought I needed a miracle to pass the subject. Unexpectedly, a miracle did happen. That was a close call. But I got away with it.
Although I couldn't understand the words coming from his mouth, I've kept up with a certain professor for a year. I remember straining my ears just to try and understand whatever it is that he was saying. Every single day, all I had heard right was a just a single word. Yeah, just one word for a day. Try listening to someone who chews his tongue like a bubblegum. I doubt you'd understand a word. It was that hard. That's a year wasted and I half expected a failed mark. That was another close call. But I got away with it.
I used to comfort friends once they see that 0.00. I'd always tell them that it's gonna be alright and everything will turn out fine. Until now.
Apparently, these comforting lines proved to be of no effect when applied to self. It's just not working.
I can't really tell what exactly happened. But I can't deny that it was my fault. I can't stop thinking about those times that I should really be studying. Surely I can't bring those back. And now's the time to feel sorry. I feel more scared than sorry. I am graduating by March next year. Or so I thought.
I can't say I was taken by surprise. I was half expecting it. But I was still holding on to the fact that I can get away with it once more. But I was wrong. Now I know how it feels to be such a failure. It sucks.
I've talked to Archie, listened to Shar, said sorry to mom and dad but I still don't think anything could turn out right again after this. All my hopes are gone. I can't even see the famous silver lining on this very dark cloud.
I feel awful.
And scared.
Like a ball dumped into a dark, empty space and couldn't bounce back.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here's something fish-ee.

When school's over and you can finally have the b-r-e-a-k you've been longing to have, sleep and wake up anytime you want, pig out at midnight while watching your 5th DVD for the day, lay down in bed and do nothing, read a thriller novel when nothing decent is on TV, go shopping and think of anything but your tight deadlines and...
walk into your room and witness a disaster or turn on your computer and fail to see your desktop background because of the countless MS Word icons which serves as a reminder of your thesis and various design projects you've done at school, all you'll want to do is take a break from the 'break' you're having and do everything you can to bring everything back to normal.

That's what I did this morning. After 3 days since the start of the sem break I realized that my world would not be perfect if all the clutter from the past
semester is still haunting me. It's like finding the perfect outfit that will match your shoes and feeling really happy about it. That's until you discover a rather large hole at the seam. Or let's put it the other way around. You put on a beautiful dress, begin hunting for the perfect sandals but never find the left one. And now, here I am. 2 large garbage bags and a four-inch thick pile of bond papers I can still use as scratch papers later, my room's now clean and all the last semester's stuff are now securely on their proper places. I can now go on with my much deserved break.

There's a lot of things I am very much looking forward to. Archie and I are turning two next Monday and I'm really excited about that. I miss our scrabble and movie marathon days so hopefully we'll do a lot of catching up on the days to come. Also, Sharmaine, Emilie and I are going out on the 26th. I haven't seen any high school friend for a while and since Shar is who I wanted to see the most, I'm really happy that we're going to see each other real soon.

Last Sunday, Tita Ana, Tita Marie, plus the little gang and I enjoyed our weekend get away to the Ocean Park. It was like having a trip underwater
and being up-close to various sea creatures. To sum it all up, the moment I decided to really start looking at them instead of looking at them behind the camera was the same exact moment I realized that everything was simply breathtaking.

Will it be finding Nemo or feeding frenzy? you tell me. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's raining... bags?

Click this link below to win a free handbag!

NOW! :)