This day I learned..
1. That Happy Smiley Face right here in the photo, the one you see in almost everything from buttons, coffee mugs, jars, shirts, neckties, watches, bracelets, balloons, notebooks, greeting cards, sleeping bags and even on kid's undies originated from the City of Worcester, Massachusetts, created by Harvey R. Ball in 1963.
2. The Happy Smiley Face was designed to boost the morale of the employees in two newly merged insurance companies. And while it was used solo for some time, the phrase 'Have a Nice Day!' was later added to the Happy Smiley Face.
3. Mr. Ball was paid $45 for his artwork. Who would have thought that 45 years later, his $45 artwork naturally became the most widely used symbol of Happiness around the globe!
Thanks to the SmileyCollector for the info! www.smileycollector.com
As I was cleaning our garage the other day, a boy approached me, he was barefooted, sweat was dripping from his forehead, his small hands were dirty, his skin was no longer that of a young boy, it looked like it was already suffering from the damage of the scorching sun. I knew at once that he was tired. He offered to throw away the garbage in exchange of two pesos. I told him to come back later, so he can pick up the garbage bag when I am done. Thinking that he was gone, I proceeded with my task. But I was wrong.
I cleaned, he waited.
Finally, I reached into my pocket for some coins. I was sorry I did not have my purse with me that time so all I gave him was a few coins.
I approached him, told him he doesn't have to do anything for me. I handed him the money and asked him to go home since it was already getting dark. He smiled at me. REALLY smiled at me. I smiled back. But I was so sorry it was all I could give the poor child.
I saw him again yesterday, he was still barefooted, his hands were still dirty, his skin looked almost burnt, it seemed like he was on the street again, collecting other people's garbage in exchange for two pesos. He wasn't a pretty sight. Yet, from across the street he smiled at me and again, I smiled back.
YOU. Have you smiled for someone today? Try to brighten up some one's day. Give a hearty smile to your mom, to your dad, to your brother or sister, to your friends.
I cleaned, he waited.
Finally, I reached into my pocket for some coins. I was sorry I did not have my purse with me that time so all I gave him was a few coins.
I approached him, told him he doesn't have to do anything for me. I handed him the money and asked him to go home since it was already getting dark. He smiled at me. REALLY smiled at me. I smiled back. But I was so sorry it was all I could give the poor child.
I saw him again yesterday, he was still barefooted, his hands were still dirty, his skin looked almost burnt, it seemed like he was on the street again, collecting other people's garbage in exchange for two pesos. He wasn't a pretty sight. Yet, from across the street he smiled at me and again, I smiled back.
YOU. Have you smiled for someone today? Try to brighten up some one's day. Give a hearty smile to your mom, to your dad, to your brother or sister, to your friends.
SMILES- the more they are spent, the more of them remains.
1 comment:
nice to know the history of the happy face smiley.
Thanks alot. :-)
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