There's a place called Wonderland.

Because a star shines brightest during the darkest of nights. Because everything can fall into place with just one warm embrace. Because a pot of gold awaits at the end of the rainbow. And because I know dreams do come true.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here's something fish-ee.

When school's over and you can finally have the b-r-e-a-k you've been longing to have, sleep and wake up anytime you want, pig out at midnight while watching your 5th DVD for the day, lay down in bed and do nothing, read a thriller novel when nothing decent is on TV, go shopping and think of anything but your tight deadlines and...
walk into your room and witness a disaster or turn on your computer and fail to see your desktop background because of the countless MS Word icons which serves as a reminder of your thesis and various design projects you've done at school, all you'll want to do is take a break from the 'break' you're having and do everything you can to bring everything back to normal.

That's what I did this morning. After 3 days since the start of the sem break I realized that my world would not be perfect if all the clutter from the past
semester is still haunting me. It's like finding the perfect outfit that will match your shoes and feeling really happy about it. That's until you discover a rather large hole at the seam. Or let's put it the other way around. You put on a beautiful dress, begin hunting for the perfect sandals but never find the left one. And now, here I am. 2 large garbage bags and a four-inch thick pile of bond papers I can still use as scratch papers later, my room's now clean and all the last semester's stuff are now securely on their proper places. I can now go on with my much deserved break.

There's a lot of things I am very much looking forward to. Archie and I are turning two next Monday and I'm really excited about that. I miss our scrabble and movie marathon days so hopefully we'll do a lot of catching up on the days to come. Also, Sharmaine, Emilie and I are going out on the 26th. I haven't seen any high school friend for a while and since Shar is who I wanted to see the most, I'm really happy that we're going to see each other real soon.

Last Sunday, Tita Ana, Tita Marie, plus the little gang and I enjoyed our weekend get away to the Ocean Park. It was like having a trip underwater
and being up-close to various sea creatures. To sum it all up, the moment I decided to really start looking at them instead of looking at them behind the camera was the same exact moment I realized that everything was simply breathtaking.

Will it be finding Nemo or feeding frenzy? you tell me. :)

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